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25 students
Last updated May 13, 2024
From 06/05/2024

To 10/05/2024
City Riva del Garda
Level Intermediate
Subscription within 06/04/2024

Evento valorizzato con N. 26 crediti SPC*

L’oggi ed il futuro: visioni e previsioni in oftalmologia

5 giornate su tutto ciò che riguarda le ultime frontiere dell’oftalmologia, dall’OSA all’OCT, dal Cross-linking al Laser, dalla chirurgia del cristallino alla chirurgia vitreo-retinica.
Un approfondimento essenziale per chiunque già si occupi di oculistica ed un incentivo in più a chi invece volesse approcciare questa branca della Medicina Veterinaria.
3 relatori conosciuti a livello internazionale ci accompagneranno in queste visuali diagnostiche e terapeutiche che sono il presente ed il futuro dell’oftalmologia veterinaria e che ci permetteranno di affrontare in maniera sempre più professionale le nostre sfide quotidiane

Le relazioni saranno in lingua INGLESE (non è prevista traduzione simultanea)

The present and the future: views and predictions about ophthalmology

We are glad to introduce you to five days all about the very last news regarding ophthalmology: from OSA to OCT, Cross-linking to Laser, Crystalline Lense Surgery to Vitreoretinal Surgery.
A fundamental deepening for those who already deal with ophthalmology, a bonus for those veterinaries who want to approach for the first time this area.
Three experts will guide you through the discovery of new and current diagnostic and therapeutic visuals, (which are the present and the future of ophthalmology.)
This journey will enable the participants to overcome, in an always more professional way, the daily challenges they may go through.

Language: English


13:30 – 14:00 Registration procedures
14:00 – 15:00 Ocular surface analysis (OSA) 1

Dr. Frank Famose

15:00 – 16:00 Ocular surface analysis (OSA) 2

Dr. Frank Famose

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break 
16:30 – 18:00 Clinical Cases

Dr. Frank Famose

08:30 – 09:00 Registration procedures
09:00 – 10:00 OCT cornea

Dr. Frank Famose

10:00 – 11:00 Corneal surgery: biomaterials, synthetic corneas

Dr. Frank Famose

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break 
11:30 – 12:30 Corneal surgery: Corneoconjunctival transposition, Isolated lamellar corneal graft,

360° conjunctival graft, DSEK 1

Dr. Thierry Azoulay

12:30 – 13:30 Corneal surgery: Corneoconjunctival transposition, Isolated lamellar corneal graft,

360° conjunctival graft, DSEK 2

Dr. Thierry Azoulay

13:30 – 14:30 Light Lunch
14:30 – 15:30 Corneal surgery: Cryotherapy

Dr. Thierry Azoulay

15:30 – 16:30 Iontophorese

Dr. Frank Famose

16:30 – 17:30 Clinical Cases

Dr. Frank Famose

08:30 – 09:00 Registration procedures
09:00 – 10:00 Cross-linking of corneal collagen 1

Dr. Frank Famose

10:00 – 11:00 Cross-linking of corneal collagen 2

Dr. Frank Famose

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee Break 
11:30 – 12:30 Clinical Cases

Dr. Frank Famose

12:30 – 13:30 Clinical Cases

Dr. Frank Famose

13:30 – 14:30 Light Lunch
14:30 – 15:30 Glaucoma surgery: draining and cyclo-blunting techniques 1

Dr. Thierry Azoulay

15:30 – 16:30 Glaucoma surgery: draining and cyclo-blunting techniques 2

Dr. Thierry Azoulay

16:30 – 17:30 Clinical Cases

Dr. Thierry Azoulay

08:30 – 09:00 Registration procedures
09:00 – 09:45 Lens dislocation: The different situations and their surgical management (anterior, posterior, subluxation). Interest of capsular capsular tension rings (sutured or not) and suture implants

Dr. Thierry Azoulay

09:45 – 10:30 Clinical Cases

Dr. Thierry Azoulay

10:30 – 11:15 Cataract surgery: mono and bimanual techniques bimanual techniques

Dr. Thierry Azoulay

11:15 – 11:45 Coffee Break
11:45 – 12:30 Clinical Cases

Dr. Thierry Azoulay

12:30 – 13:30 Vitreoretinal surgery 1

Dr. Thierry Azoulay

13:30 – 14:30 Light Lunch
14:30 – 15:15 Vitreoretinal surgery 2

Dr. Thierry Azoulay

15:15 – 16:30 Benefits of OCT of the retina and optic disc optic disc

Dr. Thierry Azoulay

08:30 – 09:00 Registration procedures
09:00 – 09:45 LASER general – iridal melanoma – iridal cyst

Dr. Jens Linek

09:45 – 10:30 Transscleral photocoagulation – Endoscopic photocoagulation

Dr. Jens Linek

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break 
11:00 – 11:45 Retinopexy – barrier – prophylactic

Dr. Jens Linek

11:45 – 12:30 Review of the lessons


within 6th March 2024, unless SOLD OUT


within 6th April 2024, unless SOLD OUT

Sold Out


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Write to They will help you to find the perfect place for your stay in Riva del Garda.

We strongly recommend booking your accommodation in advance as Riva del Garda is rather small and highly sought after during that period.


A town as precious as a gem. Riva del Garda is actually defined with these terms: the gem of Lake Garda.
It is a small Italian town with an international soul, central European in style, yet with a Mediterranean climate. With its breath-taking lake views, getting around on foot or by bicycle is simple, allowing you to enjoy the clean air, the mild climate all year round and the peace and quiet of this beautiful, unspoilt area. Participants are sure to appreciate the added value that Riva del Garda’s healthy lifestyle and fell good factor can offer.
The expanse of water and variety of countryside make the area a real outdoor recreation ground. Besides sailing and windsurfing that have made Lake Garda famous throughout the world, there are plenty of other sports you can do. Bike enthusiasts can venture along the over 1000 km of marked trails and, by 2021, the “Garda by Lake”, a 140 km cycle path around the lake, is planned.

*In Conformità con il Regolamento FNOVI riguardante gli SPC (Sviluppo Professionale Continuo) Unisvet, essendo provider ECM e inserita dal Ministero della Salute pubblica nell’Elenco delle Società Scientifiche e associazioni tecnico-scientifiche delle professioni sanitarie, valorizzerà il corso con 1 credito SPC per ogni 60 minuti di lezione.

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Thierry Azoulay
DVM, DESV-Opht, DIU de chirurgie rétino-vitréenne, DIU d’OCT Instructor
Dr Thierry Azoulay is heading the ophthalmology department of Agoravet, a private veterinary referral center in Strasbourg France. He is past president (2015-2021) and actual vice-president (2021-2024) of the GEMO (Ophthalmology group of the French veterinary conKnuing educaKon associaKon) and member of the board of the French Eye Panelist AssociaKon. He is teaching surgery of the lens at the Surgery School of Nancy and giving a lecture about reKnal detachment at the Ophthalmology Course (CES) of the Veterinary School of Toulouse. As a clinician-scienKst, he is parKcularly interested in lens, glaucoma and reKnal surgery. Dr. Azoulay is a diplomate of the French college of veterinary ophthalmologists (DESV-Opht) and a Fellow of the REOVVA (European Network of Ophthalmology and animal vision). He is also cerKfied in vitreo-reKnal surgery (DIU de chirurgie réKno-vitréenne) and in OCT (DIU d’OCT).
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Frank Famose
DVM, DESV ophtalmologie vétérinaire Instructor
01/1989 - Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine - Ecole Nationale vétérinaire de Toulouse (France) 01/1991 - Ophthalmology Certificate - Ecole Nationale vétérinaire de Toulouse (France) 01/2010 - Corneal surgery degree - Centre National d’Ophtalmologie des XV-XX (Paris, France) 01/2014 - Vitreoretinal surgery degree - Hôpital Hôtel-Dieu (Paris, France) 01/2015 - Bibliographic research degree - Faculté de Médecine de Bordeaux-2 (Bordeaux, France) 01/2015 - Veterinary specialist degree - Ecole Nationale vétérinaire de Maisons-Alfort (Paris, France) 03/2020 - Ocular surface degree - Centre National d’Ophtalmologie des XV-XX (Paris, France) Since 2013, I have been committed in the development and promotion of the corneal surgery and particularly of the corneal-cross linking technique in veterinary ophthalmology via local and international publications. I have an extensive experience in treating patients with corneal ulcers and CXL procedure (more than 300 cases in the last years) and I have taken responsibility of leading the group of veterinary ophthalmologists committed in the cross-linking applications in animals.
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Jens Linek
DVM, FTA Surgery, ZB Ophthalmology Instructor
Jens Linek studied veterinary medicine in Hannover/Germany from 1979 to 1985. He finished his doctoral thesis in 1986 and in 1987 took over a general veterinary practice in Hamburg with his wife. From 1988 on his interest in veterinary ophthalmology started. In 1994 he qualified for the German title as a specialist for veterinary ophthalmology. In 1997 he qualified for the title as specialist in surgery for small animals. After an internship in North Carolina at Marc Nassise‘s – at that time the most important veterinary cataract surgeon – he decided with his wife to sell the general practice and continue with veterinary ophthalmology only. They opened up the fist 100% specialized practise in Germany for Ophthalmology and his wife for Dermatology in 2001. He worked as an ophthalmologist until the end of 2017 to then decided to study online - Mastering Design Thinking in Organizations and - Digital Health at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam. Since then he works as a consultant for AniCura and in 2021 helped the vet startup company felmo in Berlin as Director Medical Developement and Innovation to establish an online education platform for their veteterinarians. Dr. Linek has published several papers in Journal of Veterinary Ophthalmology and wrote a book: Essential facts of ophthalmology in Dogs and Cats.

