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112+ Courses
Theoretical and Practical

The Unisvet catalog is growing every day. Stay up to date.

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Training as a support tool for all our members.

Hours of Video

Following the video lessons has never been easier. Browse the course catalog.

Years of experience

We share our goals every day to reach new goals.

Le Nostre Accademie certificate

Le Accademie UNISVET sono iscritte al Registro dei Corsi Qualificati CEPAS e certificate QUALTA

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UNISVET face-to-face training consists of theoretical courses, practical courses, university masters and executive masters, national and international conventions, ad personam training.

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Vet-Learning is the video streaming platform developed by UNISVET that allows you to follow SPC enhanced courses, from basic to advanced level. Choose the discipline of interest and continue your training where and whenever and wherever you want.

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The structure, which is spread over an area of 650 square meters, includes a large conventions area and wet-lab fully equipped for practical courses.

About Us

UNISVET (Italian Union of Veterinary Societies) was born on September 10, 2004 from the merge of the Milanese Veterinary Club, the Sicilian Veterinary Club, ANVO (National Veterinary Association for Ophthalmology) and various regional delegations. Unisvet is a non-profit association aiming at lifelong education, training and professional qualification of veterinarians. Through all available information channels Unisvet contributes to the diffusion and growth of the veterinary scientific culture by organizing congresses, seminars, theoretical and practical courses, executive masters and university masters, in strict compliance with the highest standards of scientific quality and reliability.

