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The subscription form is equivalent to the SELF CERTIFICATION FOR GRADUATES IN Veterinary Medicine Degree or Healthcare Degree (Articolo 46 DPR 28 dicembre 2000 n. 445). By subscribing this form, you are aware of: • the responsibilities and penalties stated by Articolo 76 of DPR 445/2000 for false claims and false declarations; • the loss of benefits, based on untruthful declarations, stated by Articolo 75 of DPR 445/2000; • UNISVET reserve the right to verify the truthfulness of information provided, as stated by Articolo 71 of DPR 445/2000. • In case of non-acceptance of the application, you will be contacted by the Unisvet Secretariat ECM



The certificate with ECM score can only be issued to veterinarians registered in the professional register who have attended 100% of the hours scheduled for the event.

