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Thierry Azoulay

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Dr Thierry Azoulay is heading the ophthalmology department of Agoravet, a private veterinary referral center in Strasbourg France. He is past president (2015-2021) and actual vice-president (2021-2024) of the GEMO (Ophthalmology group of the French veterinary conKnuing educaKon associaKon) and member of the board of the French Eye Panelist AssociaKon. He is teaching surgery of the lens at the Surgery School of Nancy and giving a lecture about reKnal detachment at the Ophthalmology Course (CES) of the Veterinary School of Toulouse. As a clinician-scienKst, he is parKcularly interested in lens, glaucoma and reKnal surgery. Dr. Azoulay is a diplomate of the French college of veterinary ophthalmologists (DESV-Opht) and a Fellow of the REOVVA (European Network of Ophthalmology and animal vision). He is also cerKfied in vitreo-reKnal surgery (DIU de chirurgie réKno-vitréenne) and in OCT (DIU d’OCT).


Evento valorizzato con N. 26 crediti SPC* L’oggi ed il futuro: visioni e previsioni in oftalmologia 5 giornate su tutto ciò che riguarda le ultime frontiere dell’oftalmologia, dall’OSA all’OCT, dal Cross-linking al Laser, dalla chirurgia del cristallino alla chirurgia vitreo-retinica. Un approfondimento essenziale per chiunque già si occupi di oculistica ed un incentivo in più…


