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Sara Galac

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Sara Galac graduated from the Veterinary Faculty in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She defended her first PhD thesis called “Progesterone receptor antagonist during pregnancy and luteal phase” at the University in Ljubljana in 2001 and her second PhD entitled “Recent developments of Cushing`s syndrome in dogs” at Utrecht University in 2010. Nowadays, she is a staff member at the Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, and holds a position of assistant professor in Internal medicine. Her main interest is Endocrinology. She is involved in clinical work, teaching, and research. She leads the Oncology research group OnGo at the dept. of Clinical Sciences. Her research is greatly supported by national and international grants.


Evento valorizzato con N. 150 crediti SPC* PAGA IN 4 RATE SENZA INTERESSI CON UNISVET!È da ora possibile rateizzare l'iscrizione all'Accademia in quattro comode rate, senza alcun interesse aggiuntivo, direttamente tramite Unisvet. Questa nuova opzione offre una maggiore flessibilità per coloro che desiderano accedere ai nostri corsi e programmi senza preoccupazioni.Opzione valida solo per coloro…


