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Association for the development and the spread of the scientific culture in the
veterinary profession
UNISVET meets the qualifications required by the Ministry of Health to be considered a nationally relevant scientific association. It has been included in the list of scientific and technical-scientific associations of the health professions, in implementation of Articolo 5 of Legge 8 Marzo 2017, n. 24 (Legge Gelli) and Decreto ministeriale 2 agosto 2017.
UNISVET è certificata secondo il Sistema di gestione qualità certificato ISO 9001:2015, socio FEDERCONGRESSI&EVENTI, provider ECM ed SPC definitivo e, per andare incontro alle esigenze del numero sempre maggiore di veterinari provenienti dall’estero, provider RACE dal 2018.
UNISVET is accredited by the Regione Lombardia with registration number 1275 of 22/12/2021.