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Focus on: Veterinary Ophthalmology with Ron Ofri

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28 students
Last updated March 6, 2023
From 01/09/2022

To 01/03/2023
Subscription within 01/03/2023
Corso Content


Tutte le lezioni sono sottotitolate in lingua italiana

The “Focus on: Veterinary Ophthalmology with Ron Ofri” e-learning course will cover 3 foundamental topics of Veterinary Ophthalmology:

Traumatic proptosis. What do I tell the owner? How do I treat?

Traumatic proptosis is a true ocular emergency, and owners will want to know if you can “save the eye”. This talk will help you determine prognosis and offer treatment. 

Feline keratoconjunctivitis. It’s all about herpes and stress!

More than 80% of the cats in the world are carriers of feline herpes virus, and stress is a major factor in viral shedding. So it is not surprising that treatment of feline conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis is so frustrating and challenging. Learn all about the pathogenesis and clinical approach to feline conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis. 

Fifty shades of red. The diagnosis of the “red eye”

“Red eye” is a very frequent presenting ocular complaint. Learn to differentiate between its most common causes, conjunctivitis, uveitis and glaucoma, based on their clinical presentation and simple diagnostic tests.

Il corso online “Focus on: Veterinary Ophthalmology with Ron Ofri” verte su 3 argomenti fondamentali della Oftalmologia veterinaria:

Proptosi traumatica. Cosa diciamo al proprietario? Come trattare?

La proptosi traumatica è una vera e propria emergenza oculare e i proprietari vogliono sempre sapere se possiamo “salvare l’occhio”. Questa lezione vi aiuterà a determinare la prognosi e le possibili terapie.

Cheratocongiuntivite felina. È tutta una questione di herpes e stress!

Oltre l’80% dei gatti nel mondo sono portatori di virus dell’herpes felino, e lo stress è un fattore importante nella diffusione del virus. Quindi non è sorprendente che il trattamento della congiuntivite felina e cheratocongiuntivite è così frustrante e stimolante. Scopriamo tutto sulla patogenesi e l’approccio clinico alla congiuntivite e alla cheratocongiuntivite felina. 

Cinquanta sfumature di rosso. Le diagnosi dell’ “occhio rosso”

“Occhio rosso” è un disturbo oculare molto frequente. Impariamo a distinguere tra le sue cause più comuni, congiuntivite, uveite e glaucoma, in base alla loro presentazione clinica e semplici test diagnostici.

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Ron Ofri
DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECVO Instructor
Ron Ofri was a member of the charter class of the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Upon his graduation he traveled to the University of Florida, where he spent the next 4 years undergoing clinical training in veterinary ophthalmology and obtaining his Ph.D. During this time Ron developed an interest in the physiology of vision, focusing on retinal electrophysiology and animal models of retinal diseases. Upon his graduation Ron returned to Israel andjoined the faculty of his alma mater, where he is currently a Professor in Veterinary Ophthalmology and winner of numerous Teacher of the Year awards. At the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Ron expanded his research interests to include to includeclinical veterinary ophthalmology (focusing on glauocoma and retinal diseases) and retinal gene therpay. His groundbreaking work on retinal gene therapy on a herd of sheep with naturally occuring day blindness has resulted in restoration of vision intreated animals for >6 years, and has paved the way to FDA approval of Phase I/IIa clinical trials in humans patients. Ron is also a very popular international speaker, having been invited to talk in more than 40 countries and 6 continents, lecturing incontinuing education seminars, national & international meetings, and world congresses for general practitioners including BSAVA, SEVC, WSAVA, WVC and NAVC/VMX. He also lectures frequently in advanced training courses for veterinaryophthalmologists, including lectureship at the Basic Science Course of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (where he has been speaking since 2002) and numerous other forums. Ron has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers, is a contributing author to the Gelatt's classic textbook Veterinary Ophthalmology (3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th editions) as well as co-author of the popular textbook Slatter's Fundamentals of Veterinary Ophthalmology (4th, 5th and 6th editions, below). Ron is aDiplomate of the European College of Veterinary Ophthalmology (ECVO), a former ECVO Executive Board member and Scientific Committee member and in 2002-2005 he served as President of the European Society of Veterinary Ophthalmology.

Video content will be accessible for 12 months from the subscription date.

L'utente potrà visualizzare i video per 12 mesi dalla data di acquisto.
Corso valorizzato con 1 credito SPC.

IMPORTANTE: Per ottenere i crediti SPC previsti è necessario visualizzare interamente tutte le lezioni del percorso almeno una volta, entro la data di termine del corso (01/03/2023).
La richiesta di assegnazione di tali crediti verrà  inoltrata nel portale dedicato dopo la chiusura del corso.

