Thierry Francey graduated from the University of Berne (Switzerland). After a doctorate, a few years in private practice, an internship in small animal anesthesia (1996), and a residency in small animal internal medicine at the University of Berne and Louisiana State University (Baton Rouge, USA, 2000), he went to the University of California Davis (USA) for a fellowship in nephrology and hemodialysis (2000-2003). At the same institution, he was promoted lecturer in small animal internal medicine (2002-2005).
Since 2005 he is lecturer at the Vetsuisse Faculty University of Berne where he was head of the division of medicine from 2006-2019. Currently, he is head of the Nephrology/Urology specialty group NephroBern, Faculty of the Hemodialysis Academy of the University of California Davis, and a Founder of the new American College of Veterinary Nephrology and Urology (ACVNU).