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Jane Ladlow

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Jane has nearly 20 years’ experience as a European Specialist in small Animal Surgery and over the last 10 years she has focused on upper airway disease in dogs. In 2005 she started researching brachycephalic obstructive airway disease and with Dr Nai-Chieh Liu at the University of Cambridge she devised a non-invasive method of assessing airway function in the bulldog, French bulldog and pug and also introduced a clinical grading system for BOAS. During this time she developed good relationships with breeders and worked with the breed clubs to introduce health schemes in these three breeds that included BOAS. The research has also led to the validation of some new surgical techniques (laser turbinectomy, laryngeal surgeries) that were shared by Prof Oectering of Liepzig. The project led to the development of The Kennel Club/ University of Cambridge Respiratory Function Grading (RFG) Scheme that was launched in 2019 to facilitate the breeding of healthy dogs in bulldogs, French bulldogs and pugs. Jane is continuing this work by promoting the RFG scheme and now intends to start looking at some of the other brachycephalic breeds.
