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Francesco Aprea

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Francesco graduated with honours from the University of Bari in 2005; since then he has focused his professional interest on anaesthesia and analgesia. After a rotating internship Francesco moved to the UK in 2006 to complete an internship in veterinary anaesthesia at the Queen Veterinary School Hospital (University of Cambridge). After a short period in general practice, Francesco joined one of the biggest private vet hospital, Dick White Referrals (UK) where he completed his residency in anaesthesia and analgesia (ECVAA). During this period, he also attended regularly, as visiting resident, the veterinary hospitals of the Universities of Liverpool and Edinburgh to get practice with large animals. In 2008 he obtained the Certificate in Veterinary Anaesthesia (CertVA), issuedvby the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and in 2012, the EBVS Diplomavbecoming a European specialist. In 2011 Francesco moved to Majorca (Spain) where he currently runs the anaesthesia and analgesia service of the Hospital Canis Mallorca and he provides a mobile service for other clinics in the island. Francesco is author of several papers and regularly he runs CPDs in Spain and in Italy. The control of pain is Francesco main clinical interest and out of work he enjoys outdoor sports, martial arts and especially being with his family and his friends.
