Clemente Grosso was born in Torino, Italy, on April 22, 1968. He is currently
living in Moncalieri, where he has been a member of the City Council from 2010 to 2015. He currently works as a Penal Lawyer in his own office in Torino.
He is breeding Riesenschnauzers and is member of the German PSK and the Club Italiano Schnauzer & Pinscher since 1990. He competed as a handler at the Working World Championship for Riesenschnauzer (ISPU), and breaded some show champions.
He is an international Obedience and IGP judge as well as a conformation judge for Schnauzer, Pinscher, Rottweiler, Dobermann, Cane Corso and German Shepard.
Interested in Applied Ethology, taking part in seminars and research carried out by Universities as Torino, Milano, Perugia and Mexico City.
In 2008 he worked with the National Veterinary Bioethics committee.
Since 2002 he has been representing Italy within the FCI Working Dogs
commission. He his Regional President of ENCI in Piemonte and President of the Turin Kennel Club since 2007.
Member of the ENCI board and the executive committee, he has been Vice
President of ENCI since October 2, 2014.
Actually, representing ENCI towards the FCI and in the FCI Working Dogs
In the general assembly of Shanghai, was elected as president of the dispute and disciplinary commission of the FCI.
As trial judge, in 2004 and 2008 judged at the FCI Obedience WM. In 2013 judged at the FMBB Obedience WM, ATIBOX IPO WM, ISPU Schnauzer IPO WM, Japanese IPO Championship, twice American IPO Schnauzer Championship. In 2010 and 2014 judged the American IPO AWDF Championship.
In 2015 judged the IPO FCI WM. In 2018 the WUSV IGP WM and the IFR IGP
WM. In 2019 the ISPU WM. This year is judging the WUSV Universalsieger.
As show judge, judges several CACIB shows and Pinscher Schnauzer specialties in several countries.