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RECOVER CPR – BLS and ALS Rescuer Certification – 2023

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16 students
Last updated November 27, 2023
From 26/11/2023

To 26/11/2023
City ONLINE + Spazio Eventi Unisvet MILANO
Level Intermediate
Subscription within 26/10/2023


Evidence-based veterinary CPR guidelines published by the RECOVER Initiative in 2012 aimed at maximizing patient survival after cardiopulmonary arrest led to the official veterinary CPR certification process approved by the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. This course will teach the concepts and techniques of RECOVER Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS).

The certification process consists of an online course followed by on-site training in Milan at Spazio Eventi Unisvet (26 November 2023)

Because of this, participants must have successfully completed the RECOVER online BLS and ALS courses available at These courses are included in the registration fee but need to be completed prior to the in-person training at the conference. After the subscription process trought the Unisvet website, you will receive from Recover the link to access to the online lessons.

Successful completion of this course grants certification as a RECOVER BLS and ALS Rescuer.

Human medical professionals certify in human CPR.
Veterinary medical professionals should certify themselves in veterinary CPR!

Complete the online course and then come to the Spazio Eventi Unisvet in Milan to run the Workshop.

Successful completion of this course grants certification as a RECOVER BLS and ALS Rescuer.


Participants will be divided in groups of 8.
We will notify you of the group to which you’ll belong at the closing of registration, by October 26, 2023


within 26th October 2023 unless SOLD OUT


within 26th October 2023 unless SOLD OUT

Sold Out

Online courses – Language: English

Duration: 5 hours

Total Modules: 5

RACE Credits: 5.0

NY Credits: 5.0

CPR course that teaches the essential concepts needed to maximize outcomes in patients with cardiopulmonary arrest. When a cardiopulmonary arrest occurs in your practice, having a well-trained team ready to provide high-quality CPR may be the difference between life and death for your patient.

This course teaches the evidence-based Basic Life Support (BLS) guidelines developed by the Reassessment Campaign on Veterinary Resuscitation (RECOVER) Initiative. It is the only BLS course endorsed by the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society (VECCS), and is the only course that provides official certification in veterinary CPR through the American College of Veterinary Emergency Critical Care (ACVECC).

Duration: 3.5 hours

Total Modules: 3

RACE C.E. Credits: 3.5

NY Credits: 3.5

Topics include use and interpretation of important monitoring equipment, how to diagnose the ECG arrest rhythm, and drug therapies and other advanced interventions that can improve the likelihood of saving a life.

After completing both courses, you’ll have an understanding of the entire CPR algorithm.

These comprehensive and highly engaging courses include videos, assignments, and quizzes covering the latest in CPR techniques.
These courses are peer-reviewed and offer official certificates of completion by the American College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care (ACVECC). They are endorsed by the Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society (VECCS), and teach the most current, evidence-based guidelines developed by the Reassessment Campaign on Veterinary Resuscitation (RECOVER) initiative, making them the gold standard in veterinary CPR training.

On-site training program – Language: Italian/English*

  BLS and ALS rescuer certification – GROUP 1 ( 8 participants)
08:00 – 08:15 Welcome
08:15 – 09:30 BLS Training
09:30 – 10:30 BLS Assessment and Certification
Coffee Break During Assessment
10:30 – 11:45 ALS Scenarios, pictures at the end
Coffee Break During Assessment
11:45 – 13:00 ALS Assessments and Certification
13:00  Break
  BLS and ALS rescuer certification – GROUP 2 ( 8 participants)
14:00 – 14:15 Welcome
14:15 – 15:30 BLS Training
15:30 – 16:30 BLS Assessment and Certification
Coffee Break During Assessment
16:30 – 17:45 ALS Scenarios, pictures at the end
Coffee Break During Assessment
17:45 – 19:00 ALS Assessments and Certification
19:00 Adjourn

* The language of the lessons will depend on the nationality of the participants.
The speaker may speak both English and Italian



Reassessment Campaign on Veterinary Resuscitation (RECOVER)

The initiative was spearheaded by co-chairs Dr. Daniel Fletcher and Dr. Manuel Boller with the following goals:

  1. To facilitate an evidence review of the current literature on veterinary cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
  2. To derive a draft set of clinical guidelines for veterinary CPR based on the evidence review
  3. To collate and incorporate feedback from the veterinary community at large and develop a set of consensus CPR guidelines
  4. To widely disseminate these consensus, evidence-based veterinary CPR guidelines

Through the efforts of over 100 veterinary specialists, an evidence-based veterinary CPR guideline was created and made available. The RECOVER initiative directs its efforts at regularly updating the clinical guideline, providing effective training and certification in a standardized method of performing veterinary CPR, and guiding research in the area of veterinary resuscitation.

The RECOVER initiative now functions through three main committees; 1) Guideline, 2) Education, and 3) Research.

The RECOVER Initiative is a non-profit, volunteer-based program within ACVECC and VECCS dedicated to conducting high-quality education, evidence search, and guideline creation.

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Tommaso Rosati
DVM, Dipl. ACVECC, Dipl. ECVECC Instructor
Tommaso si laurea con lode presso l’Università di Pisa. Dapprima intraprende un internship in Anestesia presso la Facoltà di Helsinki (Finlandia). A seguire si sposta all’University College Dublin (Irlanda) dove svolge un internship in Anestesia e Terapia Intensiva e a seguire un rotating internship. Nel 2017 si trasferisce negli Stati Uniti dove intraprende un residency program in Emergency and Critical Care presso la Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria dell’Università di Davis (California). Ottiene il Diploma americano di ECC nel 2020 e quello Europeo nel 2021. Attualmente lavora come senior lecturer presso il dipartimento di Emergenza e Terapia Intensiva della facoltà di Zurigo. I suoi interessi di clinici e di ricerca spaziano dalla ventilazione meccanica e la terapia extracorporea, ai disturbi elettrolitici e coagulativi.

