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Rabbit Medicine: Comprehensive Guide for Veterinarians with Dr. Mayer

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5 students
Last updated November 4, 2024
Minimum requirements
  • Graduated in Veterinary Medicine
  • Student in Veterinary Medicine
From 15/06/2024

To 15/06/2027
Subscription within 15/06/2027
Corso Content

For Veterinarians interested in enhancing their skills in caring for domestic rabbits, the online course Rabbit Medicine: Comprehensive Guide for Veterinarians with Dr. Mayer offers thorough and practical training. Guidato dall’esperto Dr. Joerg Mayer, professore rinomato nell’ambito della medicina dei piccoli animali esotici presso l’Università della Georgia, questo corso on-demand composto da 10 lezioni preparerà i partecipanti ad affrontare le sfide specifiche della medicina del coniglio con sicurezza e competenza.

Il programma del corso è stato progettato per fornire una detailed and practical understanding of rabbit Medicine, starting dalle basi anatomiche e fisiologiche fino alle più avanzate tecniche diagnostiche e terapeutiche. Ogni lezione è concepita per essere accessible at any time, allowing participants to learn flexibly and tailor the learning path to their specific professional needs.


Joerg Mayer

DMV, MS, Dipl. ECZM , Dipl. ABVP, Dipl. ACZM

Dr. Joerg Mayer grew up in Germany where he received his primary education. He went to Budapest / Hungary to study veterinary medicine shortly after the “iron curtain” fell. During his studies he was fortunate to be able to work with veterinarians in South Africa and Namibia for 6 months. He always had a strong interest in exotic animal medicine. After he received his doctoral degree from the University of Budapest/Hungary, he went to the USA for an internship in ‘Zoological Medicine and Surgery’ at the Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence, RI.

All lectures are given in English without subtitles

Course Objectives:

  • Fornire una conoscenza approfondita della medicina del coniglio attraverso una varietà di argomenti fondamentali.
  • Improve diagnostic and therapeutic skills specific to domestic rabbits.
  • Offer updates on best practices in managing rabbit diseases.
  • Preparare i veterinari a fornire un’eccellente assistenza sanitaria ai conigli domestici attraverso una comprensione approfondita delle loro esigenze mediche.

Modalità di Fruizione:

The lessons are available online on-demand, allowing you to study flexibly and tailor the learning path to your specific professional needs.


Quota agevolata studenti o neolaureati*: € 300 + IVA

È possibile versare la quota d’iscrizione unicamente tramite PayPal, carta di credito o tramite finanziamento con PagoLight PRO.

*Per completare l’iscrizione è richiesto l’invio di un documento di Laurea, conseguita da meno di 1 anno, a
Successivamente verrà inviato un codice per usufruire dello sconto.

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Joerg Mayer
DMV, MS, Dipl. ECZM , Dipl. ABVP, Dipl. ACZM Instructor
Dr. Joerg Mayer grew up in Germany where he received his primary education. He went to Budapest / Hungary to study veterinary medicine shortly after the “iron curtain” fell. During his studies he was fortunate to be able to work with veterinarians in South Africa and Namibia for 6 months. He always had a strong interest in exotic animal medicine. After he received his doctoral degree from the University of Budapest/Hungary, he went to the USA for an internship in ‘Zoological Medicine and Surgery’ at the Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence, RI. At the end of the internship he was part of a research team to study wild tree kangaroos in the rainforest of Papua New Guinea for 3 months. After this exciting experience, he went to the Royal veterinary College in London / England to study for his Masters of Science degree in wild animal health. The masters project which focused on lead toxicity in the common loon, brought him to the Tufts Wildlife Clinic in the USA. There he was hired to serve as a clinical associate professor and as the head of the clinical service for exotic animals. After 10 years at Tufts University he moved to Athens, Georgia in 2010. He currently is a Full Professor in Zoological Medicine at UGA. He lectures regularly at large national and international conferences on all aspects of exotic animal medicine including Honey Bee Medicine. Dr. Mayer qualified with the first batch of specialists in Exotic Companion Mammals as a Diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, in addition he is also a Diplomate of the American and the European College of Zoological Medicine. He served as the president of the Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians from 2010-2012. Since 2012 he is also an International Fulbright Specialist in Zoological Medicine. Dr. Mayer published many scientific articles, book chapters some of which have been translated into French, Spanish and Portuguese. His latest book the “Veterinary Clinical advisor for birds and exotic pets” was published in early 2013 and contains over 750 page. In 2013 he received the exotic speaker of the year award by the NAVC. In 2016 he received the Oxbow/AEMV Exotic Mammal Health Award, an annual award to recognize excellence and innovation in the field of exotic mammal health.


  • Per completare il corso è necessario visionare tutti i contenuti.
  • Solo chi avrà completato il corso potrà ricevere l’attestato finale.
  • I contenuti video saranno accessibili per 12 mesi dalla data di acquisto.

Modalità di iscrizione

  • Le iscrizioni devono essere effettuate sul sito UNISVET nella pagina dedicata all’evento.
  • Le iscrizioni sono riservate ai soci UNISVET (l’iscrizione a UNISVET è gratuita).

L’iscrizione dà diritto a

  • Partecipazione al corso.
  • Attestato di partecipazione.
  • 8 Crediti SPC*.

*Crediti SPC (Only for Italian participants)

  • Per ottenere i crediti SPC previsti è necessario visualizzare interamente tutte le lezioni del corso almeno una volta entro 365 giorni dalla data di acquisto.
  • La richiesta di assegnazione di tali crediti verrà  inoltrata nel portale dedicato dopo la chiusura del corso.

In Conformità con il Regolamento FNOVI riguardante gli SPC (Sviluppo Professionale Continuo) Unisvet, essendo provider ECM e inserita dal Ministero della Salute pubblica nell’Elenco delle Società Scientifiche e associazioni tecnico-scientifiche delle professioni sanitarie, valorizzerà il corso con 1 credito SPC per ogni 60 minuti di lezione.


  • To complete the course you must watch all the contents.
  • Only those who have completed the course can receive the final certificate.
  • Video content will be accessible for 12 months from the subscription date.

How to subscribe

  • Subscription must be done on the UNISVET website on the event page.
  • Subscription is reserved for UNISVET members (UNISVET membership is free of charge).

Subscription entitles to

  • Partecipate to the course.
  • Attendance certificate.
