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Last updated October 7, 2024
From 16/07/2025

To 19/07/2025
City Milano
Level Advanced
Subscription within 01/05/2025

It’s time to become a Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner!

Do you want to take the next step in your specialization? And get your training from the worlds’ leading specialists?
Get started any time with your e-learning part and join us in Milano for the presence days to focus on labs and interactive case work ups.

The CCRP (Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner) education is the only global, university based (University of Tennessee, USA), RACE approved spezialization in the world, in order to become a specialist in the field of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine for dogs.

The high standards for admission and the curriculum assure graduates that the CCRP credential is recognized as the premiere program in canine rehabilitation.
It is taught by world wide accredited speakers and includes active university instructors, expert clinicians and researchers. The curriculum draws from ongoing research, evidence based case studies, clinical experience, and availability of leading modalities in the fields of veterinary medicine.

The structure and schedules of the CCRP-Program guide the professional from the theoretical foundations to the clinical applications of canine rehabilitation (it is basically also applicable to cat’s rehabilitation).

Therefore, it consists of a sequence of postgraduate online lectures, followed by hands on lab sessions, an externship by an already certified professional, and the submission of thoroughly documented case studies, prior to attend to the final cumulative examination.

The Presence Days provide hands-on coursework in small groups, tutored by leading specialists in the field and supervised by university members being diplomates in the field.

A palpation lab on live dogs is included to review important anatomical structures for physical rehabilitation. Orthopedic and neurological evaluation/assessment of the rehabilitation patient will also be reviewed and performed with supervision.

The participant will further receive hands-on training of selected physical agent modalities used in canine physical rehabilitation. The following physical agents will be covered: superficial heating and cooling agents, electrical therapies (TENS/NEMS), therapeutic laser, mechanical therapies (for example: massage techniques, therapeutic ultrasound, shock wave therapy) and therapeutic exercise (including underwater treadmill rehabilitation).

Training in design and implementation of a comprehensive rehabilitation program for commonly seen orthopedic and neurologic conditions in the dog. A real case study approach will be utilized teaming participants, concluding with the presentation of the clinical case and their chosen rehabilitation program to the rest of the attendees. Supervised treatment of real cases with rehabilitation programs designed by the attendees.


Presence days:
16-17-18-19 luglio 2025
Spazio Eventi Unisvet, Milano and Clinica Veterinaria Europea, Milano – Italy

After successful completion of all the online, e-learning and practical courses and after successfully passing the examination, participants will receive the title “Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner”.

For more information:

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Darryl Millis
MS, DVM, Dipl. ACVS, CCRP, Dipl. ACVSMR Instructor
Dr. Darryl Millis is Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Chief of Surgery at the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine. A Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Surgeons and a founding charter member of the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation. Dr. Millis has authored over 50 publications, 30 textbook chapters, and 80 abstracts/proceedings. Dr. Millis is a primary faculty member of the University of Tennessee Certificate Program in Canine Rehabilitation, is a co-editor of the Textbook of Small Animal Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation and Essential Facts of Physiotherapy in Dogs and Cats, and has received the prestigious World Small Animal Veterinary Association Iams Paatsama Award. His primary research interests include osteoarthritis and physical rehabilitation.
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Roberta Burdisso
CCRP, head of the Department of physical medicine at Fregis/Paris, Vice President of the French Physio association Instructor
Dr. Roberta Burdisso graduated from the Bologna (Italy) Veterinary University in 2000, graduated Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner (CCRP) in 2013.Head of the Physiotherapy and Functional Department Veterinary Hospital Center FREGIS, Vice-President of the GEREP AFVAC (study group in functional rehabilitation and physiotherapy) | Paris (France).
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Lili Asnal
DVM, CCRP Instructor
Laureata in Medicina Veterinaria presso la Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria di Casilda, Università Nazionale di Rosario (Argentina); ha trascorso diversi periodi di aggiornamento negli Stati Uniti, in cliniche private ed Universitarie: (Ohio State University e North Carolina State University). Dopo aver ottenuto con lode il riconoscimento della laurea, presso la Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria dell’Università degli Studi di Milano, diviene Direttore Sanitario dell’Ambulatorio Veterinario “Patagonia” di Castelfranco Veneto (TV), fondato nel gennaio 2004. Nel 2008 si reca nuovamente negli Stati Uniti ed ottiene il Diploma di CCRP (Certified Canine Rehabilitation Practitioner): Medico Veterinario abilitato alla fisioterapia riabilitativa, presso la Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria dell’Università del Tennessee. Al rientro in Italia apre il centro di fisioterapia riabilitativa presso il suo ambulatorio veterinario e da allora lavora come referente delle principali cliniche private del Veneto nella riabilitazione di pazienti con diverse patologie sia ortopediche che neurologiche. Nel giugno 2015 è la referente per l’Italia del primo corso CCRP della Università del Tennessee tenutosi in collaborazione con l’Università Alma Mater studiorum di Bologna.

Registration must be done online on VAHL website:

The tuition for the academic CCRP program includes access to the online learning platform (e-learning, course material; 3-years access, can be extended), onsite lab days (choose one location), evaluation of the case studies, the final exam and the CCRP certificate.



For further information please contact:

Beate Egner
DVM, Course Director/CEO

