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5 students
Last updated April 12, 2024
From 06/05/2024

To 10/09/2025
City ONLINE e Spazio Eventi Unisvet - MILANO
Level Intermediate
Subscription within 08/04/2024

Evento valorizzato con N. 150 crediti SPC*

In corso qualificazione CEPAS
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Lo scopo di questa Accademia è quello di fornire ai partecipanti una conoscenza completa di medicina e chirurgia zoologica.
L’Accademia tratterà tutti gli aspetti dell’anatomia clinica, della fisiologia e della patologia degli animali esotici, selvatici e da zoo, nonché i metodi utilizzati per l‘esame, la diagnosi e il trattamento delle loro malattie.
Saranno trattate le tecniche diagnostiche più avanzate, compresa l’endoscopia, e le conoscenze più aggiornate sui trattamenti medici e chirurgici, compresa la chirurgia mini-invasiva.
L’Accademia sarà suddivisa in cinque sessioni incentrate sui principali taxa (anfibi, rettili, uccelli e mammiferi).

L’Accademia è caratterizzata da un programma di formazione intensivo che comprende lezioni on-demand online, lezioni in presenza, casi clinici interattivi e wet-lab pratici.

Lo studio e la preparazione dei partecipanti saranno valutati attraverso test di valutazione in itinere ed un esame finale

Al termine dell’Accademia, gli studenti avranno la possibilità di svolgere un periodo di stage facoltativo presso prestigiose strutture.

Le relazioni saranno in lingua INGLESE (non è prevista traduzione simultanea)

The purpose of this Academy is to provide participants a comprehensive knowledge of zoological medicine and surgery.
The Academy will cover all aspects of clinical anatomy, physiology and pathology of exotic, wild and zoo animals as well as the methods used for examination, diagnosis and treatment of their diseases.
The most advanced diagnostic techniques, including endoscopy, and the up-to-date knowledge on the medical and surgical treatments, including minimal invasive surgery, will be covered.
The Academy will be divided in five sessions focused on the main taxa (amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals). Each part will consist of an intensive training programs including online on-demand lectures, in-presence lessons, interactive clinical cases and wet-labs.
Self-assessment tests are scheduled between modules and also a final examination.
The tests will consist of MCQs to be taken online.

Upon completition of the Academy, students will be given the opportunity to carry out an optional internship period at prestigious structures.

Language: English











On-demand and in-presence lessons


Online Live lessons


On-demand and in-presence lessons


On-demand and in-presence lessons


On-demand and in-presence lessons



Al termine dell’Accademia e previo superamento dell’esame finale, i partecipanti riceveranno il Diploma di Accademia Unisvet
accredited by the Regione Lombardia with registration number 1275 of 22/12/2021.


entro il giorno 24 maggio 2024 salvo raggiungimento SOLD OUT

ACADEMY FEE: € 6.000 + VAT

within 24 May 2024 unless SOLD OUT


entro il giorno 10 giugno 2024 salvo raggiungimento SOLD OUT


within 10 June 2024 unless SOLD OUT

Subscriptions ended

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Dario d'Ovidio
DVM, MSc, Spec.PACS, Dott.Ric., Dipl. ECZM (Small Mammal) Instructor
Si laurea con Lode a Napoli nel 2003. Successivamente consegue il Diploma di Master Universitario in “Conservazione della Fauna”, il Diploma di Specializzazione in Patologia Aviare, Coniglio e Selvaggina ed il Dottorato di Ricerca in Biologia, Patologia ed Igiene Ambientale in Medicina Veterinaria. Nel 2014 consegue il Diploma dell'European College of Zoological Medicine e con esso, il titolo di Specialista Europeo nella Medicina dei Piccoli Mammiferi da Compagnia. Ha frequentato e lavorato presso diverse cliniche ed Università in Kuwait, Regno Unito ed USA. Relatore a corsi e congressi nazionali ed internazionali, autore di oltre 50 pubblicazioni scientifiche. Professore a contratto presso le Facoltà di Medicina Veterinaria di Napoli, Parma e Bologna. Lavora esclusivamente come referente per la Medicina e Chirurgia degli Animali Esotici presso diverse strutture private in Campania.
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Vladimír Jekl
DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECZM (Small Mammal Medicine and Surgery) Instructor
Vladimír Jekl graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences (VETUNI Brno) in Brno, Czech Republic (2002). He received his doctorate (Ph.D.) in exotic companion mammal dentistry in 2006. He practices exclusively medicine of exotic animals and has been a European Recognised Specialist in Zoological Medicine (Small mammal medicine and surgery) since 2009. In 2016, he received the title of Associate professor at VETUNI Brno, where he now works in the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy. Since 2017, he has been co-owner of Jekl & Hauptman Veterinary Clinic - Focused on Exotic Companion Mammals, a clinic that specializes exclusively in exotic companion mammals. He has lectured extensively in Europe and also in the USA and China, and has published more than 450 articles (55 scientific articles) in regional and international journals and books, including chapters in the BSAVA manuals; Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents Clinical Medicine and Surgery, 4th ed.; Practical Veterinary Dental Radiography; BSAVA Manual of Rodents and ferrets; BSAVA Manual of Rabbit Surgery, Dentistry and Imaging and he is editor of the VCNA Exotic Animal Practise issues – Respiratory Medicine and Reproductive Medicine. He is the main tutor for the ESAVS course - dentistry: Small Mammals, and the co-tutor of Exotic Pets - Small Mammal: Imaging and Medicine. His current areas of specialization are dental disease, internal medicine, diagnostic imaging, and soft tissue surgery in small mammals.
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Norin Chai
DMV, MSc, PhD, Dipl. ECZM (Zoo Health Management) Instructor
Norin graduated from the Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort, in 1994. In 1995, he completed two Master of Science, one in «Tropical animal pathology» and one in “Tropical Animal Production”. In 1996, he finished his doctoral degree in Veterinary Medicine on “Ecology and Ethology of the Leopard (Panthera pardus)”. Meanwhile, he started his career with the position of director of the National Park of Manda (Chad) from 1995 to 1996. In 1997, he entered the National Museum of Natural History (France) as a research Engineer and as the deputy director of the Parc de la Haute Touche (zoological park in center of France). In 2000, he moved back to Paris as a field vet in the Menagerie du Jardin des Plantes. In 2008, he was awarded his second doctoral degree (PhD) on Amphibian medicine. In 2013 he became a Diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine in Zoo Health Management. From 2005 until September 2020, he had been the head veterinarian and the deputy director of the Ménagerie. He quite his position in October 2020 to follow his own personal projects. Norin is the founder and president of Yaboumba, a NGO working in Conservation and humanitarian projects. He is regularly asked for expertise on wildlife medical cases and conservation projects around the world. He has published numerous articles in veterinary journals, national magazines, and given more than hundred lectures in national and international congresses. He has recently build with his NGO a wildlife rescue center in Sumatra.
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Thomas M. Donnelly
BVSc, DVetPath, Dipl. ECZM (Small Mammal) Dipl. ABVP (Exotic Companion Mammals), Dipl. ACLAM Instructor
Thomas M. Donnelly received degrees in veterinary medicine and pathology from the University of Sydney, Australia, and then moved to The Rockefeller University, New York, to study comparative medicine and pathology, becoming a Diplomate of the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine. Besides providing biomedical research services to universities and pharmaceutical companies, Tom also enjoys seeing exotic pets and is a Diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners and the European College of Zoological Medicine. He was a member of the Avian & Exotic Pet Services at Animal Medical Center in New York and has an Adjunct Faculty appointment at Tufts Veterinary School in Massachusetts in the Zoological Companion Animal Medicine service. Tom is currently working at the French National Veterinary School of Alfort, where he is a research professor and co-service head of the Exotic Animal Service. He is a consultant on the Veterinary Information Network (VIN) and is the author of over 200 scientific and clinical publications, including chapters in “Ferrets, Rabbits and Rodents: Clinical Medicine Surgery” and is the co-editor of “Veterinary Clinical Advisor: Birds and Exotic Pets.” Tom is allergic to most mammals. Although his veterinary medicine career and allergies collide, he is fortunate in finding the challenges and diversity of working with researchers, exotic pets and their often equally unusual owners constantly gratifying.
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Morena Graf-Wernick
DVM, Dipl. ECZM (Avian) Instructor
Dr. Morena Graf-Wernick received her veterinary degree from the Ludwigs-Maximilian-University Munich, Germany, in 2006. She completed a 15 months rotating Small Animal Medicine Internship at the University of Bern, Switzerland in 2008 and was awarded a doctoral degree from the University of Bern, Switzerland in 2009. She completed a Residency in Avian Medicine and Surgery at University of Zurich, Switzerland, in 2012 and became a Diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine in Avian Medicine in 2013. Since then, Morena is Head of the Avian and Exotic Pet Departement at Ennetseeklinik für Kleintiere, Hünenberg, Switzerland. In 2014, she founded her own company ExoticVet GmbH and offers continuing education programs for vetstudents and private veterinarians. She is speaker at national and international conferences on Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine. Her current research areas include exotic pet emergency and critical care, exotic pet anesthesia and exotic pet neurology.
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Minh Huynh
DVM, MRCVS, Dipl.ECZM (Avian), Dipl. ACZM Instructor
Minh Huynh is the head of exotic department at Fregis hospital center (a referral practice in the south of Paris) and part time consultant at the National Vetschool. He did his residency at Great Western Referrals in England under the supervision of Neil Forbes. He is boarded from the European college of zoological medicine in avian subspecialty since 2014 and currently supervising the first avian residency in France. He is also boarded from the American college of zoological medicine since 2017 through experential path.
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Sid Knotek
DVM, Ph.D, Dip ECZM (Herpetological Medicine and Surgery) Instructor
Sid Knotek is the Head of Avian and Exotic Animal Clinic, University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno, and adjunct professor on Department of Veterinary Clinical Science, Purdue University (IN, USA). Sid is an active diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine, member of ARAV, a past-president of EAZWV and a president of the Czech Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (CAZWV). As a visiting professor Sid has lectures and practical training at universities abroad (Budapest, Copenhagen, Kosice, Ljubljana, Porto, Lisabon, Villa Real, Utrecht, Vienna, Warsaw, Cracow, Wroclaw, Purdue, Sydney and Denpasar (Indonesia). His current focus involves medicine and surgery in reptiles, small mammals and birds. Sid supervised Summer School for Exotic Medicine and Surgery (2004 - 2019). Currently he supervises 4 ESAVS courses in Europe (since 2005) and China (since 2015).
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Joerg Mayer
DMV, MS, Dipl. ECZM , Dipl. ABVP, Dipl. ACZM Instructor
Dr. Joerg Mayer grew up in Germany where he received his primary education. He went to Budapest / Hungary to study veterinary medicine shortly after the “iron curtain” fell. During his studies he was fortunate to be able to work with veterinarians in South Africa and Namibia for 6 months. He always had a strong interest in exotic animal medicine. After he received his doctoral degree from the University of Budapest/Hungary, he went to the USA for an internship in ‘Zoological Medicine and Surgery’ at the Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence, RI. At the end of the internship he was part of a research team to study wild tree kangaroos in the rainforest of Papua New Guinea for 3 months. After this exciting experience, he went to the Royal veterinary College in London / England to study for his Masters of Science degree in wild animal health. The masters project which focused on lead toxicity in the common loon, brought him to the Tufts Wildlife Clinic in the USA. There he was hired to serve as a clinical associate professor and as the head of the clinical service for exotic animals. After 10 years at Tufts University he moved to Athens, Georgia in 2010. He currently is a Full Professor in Zoological Medicine at UGA. He lectures regularly at large national and international conferences on all aspects of exotic animal medicine including Honey Bee Medicine. Dr. Mayer qualified with the first batch of specialists in Exotic Companion Mammals as a Diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, in addition he is also a Diplomate of the American and the European College of Zoological Medicine. He served as the president of the Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians from 2010-2012. Since 2012 he is also an International Fulbright Specialist in Zoological Medicine. Dr. Mayer published many scientific articles, book chapters some of which have been translated into French, Spanish and Portuguese. His latest book the “Veterinary Clinical advisor for birds and exotic pets” was published in early 2013 and contains over 750 page. In 2013 he received the exotic speaker of the year award by the NAVC. In 2016 he received the Oxbow/AEMV Exotic Mammal Health Award, an annual award to recognize excellence and innovation in the field of exotic mammal health.
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Charly Pignon
DVM, Dipl. ECZM (Small Mammal) Instructor
Charly Pignon was graduated in 2005 from Alfort National Veterinary School (France) and did his veterinary thesis on a wildlife conservation project in Cambodia. Then he worked in the wildlife rescue center in Alfort and worked in Paris Zoo (la Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes). In 2009, Charly Pignon completed an Exotic Medicine Internship at Tufts University and when he came back to France he created the Exotic Medicine Service in Alfort National Veterinary School. Charly Pignon is a Diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine (Small mammals), a board member of Yaboumba (French association for continuing education in exotic and wild animals) and immediate past president president of the Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarian, member of the executive committee of the ECZM. His current field of research are ear surgeries and orthopedic surgeries in small mammals, and blood transfusion in ferrets.
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Nico J. Schoemaker
DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECZM (Small mammal & Avian) Instructor
Nico Schoemaker (DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECZM Small mammal & Avian) graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University in 1994. This was directly followed by an internship in companion animal medicine, residency in avian medicine and PhD on hyperadrenocorticism in ferrets. Aside from the recognition as a European specialist in Small mammal medicine, Nico also holds a European diploma in Avian Medicine, and is recognized as an avian specialist in the USA. Nico is currently employed at the Division of Zoological Medicine in Utrecht, where he devotes his time to teaching, research and patient care of small mammals and birds.
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Endre Sós
DVM, PhD, Dipl. ECZM (Zoo Health Management) Instructor
Endre graduated at the University of Veterinary Science in Budapest in 1995 and immediately started as a zoo veterinarian in the same year at the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden, where he is currently the Director of Veterinary Services and Conservation. Together with his team they are the official veterinarians in numerous current and former Life Plus conservation programs, dealing with the Hungarian meadow viper, Imperial Eagle and endangered rodents of Hungary. He is also involved in the conservation medicine of other high profile species, such as the Przewalski’s horse, Eurasian otter and the Eurasian beaver. He is one of the vet advisors in the Elephant TAG, Przewalski’s horse EEP and Red panda EEP. Currently, he is the President of the EAZWV (European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians) and the Vice-Chairman of the Hungarian Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV Hungarian Section). He owns a DESMAN (Diploma on Endangered Species Management, issued by the University of Canterbury, Kent and completed in Durrell Wildlife Preservation Trust), and has the titles of a Hungarian Specialist in Companion Animal Medicine and a Hungarian Specialist in Exotic Animal Medicine. He completed his PhD in Great Bustard medicine and became a Diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine (Zoo Health Management) in 2012. Aside from his veterinary tasks, Endre is actively involved in zoological decisions and management at the Budapest Zoo since 2000, he is the official mentor of Belgrade Zoo, Serbia and Sibiu Zoo, Romania. He is also actively involved in teaching at the University of Veterinary Science, Budapest, where he is a Honorary Assistant Professor.
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Yvonne Van Zeeland
DMV, PhD, Dipl. ECZM (Small mammal & Avian) Instructor
Yvonne van Zeeland (DVM, MVR, PhD, Dipl. ECZM Small mammal & Avian) graduated with merit from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University in 2004. Having worked briefly in private practice, she returned to Utrecht in 2005 to complete an internship in companion animal medicine, residency in avian medicine and PhD on feather damaging behavior in grey parrots. Aside from her recognition as a European specialist in Avian Medicine, Yvonne became de facto recognized in Small mammal medicine, and certified as a parrot behavior consultant. Yvonne is currently employed at the Division of Zoological Medicine in Utrecht, where she devotes her time to teaching, research and patient care of birds and small mammals. She furthermore contributes actively to the international development and advancement of avian and exotic animal medicine through lectures, publications and membership of various professional organizations and committees, including serving as AAV's President for 2018-19.

L'Accademia Unisvet di Animali esotici, da zoo e selvatici è certificata Qualta®.

*In Conformità con il Regolamento FNOVI riguardante gli SPC (Sviluppo Professionale Continuo) Unisvet, essendo provider ECM e inserita dal Ministero della Salute pubblica nell’Elenco delle Società Scientifiche e associazioni tecnico-scientifiche delle professioni sanitarie, valorizzerà il corso con 1 credito SPC per ogni 60 minuti di lezione.

