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Lorenzo Mari

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Lorenzo graduated with honours at the University of Veterinary Medicine of Milan in October 2010. After working a few months as a general practitioner in Italy he moved to UK where he completed a 2 month externship followed by a one year general internship at the VRCC Veterinary Referrals (now Southfields Veterinary Specialist). In 2013 Lorenzo moved to the Animal Health Trust where he started a neurology internship followed by a 3 year ECVN approved residency programme in Neurology and Neurosurgery. After successfully passing his examination in October 2018 Lorenzo became ECVN diplomate and subsequently EBVS and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Neurology. Between 2019 and 2022 Lorenzo worked in multiple veterinary referral centres including Wear Referrals Veterinary Hospital and North Downs Specialist Referrals in UK and the Istituto Veterinario di Novara in Italy. Since June 2022 he is head of the neurology and neurosurgery department at The Ralph Veterinary Referral Centre in Marlow, near London. Lorenzo is speaker at international congresses and first author and co-author of numerous papers published on peer-reviewed journals.


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