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Jens Linek

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Jens Linek studied veterinary medicine in Hannover/Germany from 1979 to 1985. He finished his doctoral thesis in 1986 and in 1987 took over a general veterinary practice in Hamburg with his wife. From 1988 on his interest in veterinary ophthalmology started. In 1994 he qualified for the German title as a specialist for veterinary ophthalmology. In 1997 he qualified for the title as specialist in surgery for small animals. After an internship in North Carolina at Marc Nassise‘s – at that time the most important veterinary cataract surgeon – he decided with his wife to sell the general practice and continue with veterinary ophthalmology only. They opened up the fist 100% specialized practise in Germany for Ophthalmology and his wife for Dermatology in 2001. He worked as an ophthalmologist until the end of 2017 to then decided to study online - Mastering Design Thinking in Organizations and - Digital Health at the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam. Since then he works as a consultant for AniCura and in 2021 helped the vet startup company felmo in Berlin as Director Medical Developement and Innovation to establish an online education platform for their veteterinarians. Dr. Linek has published several papers in Journal of Veterinary Ophthalmology and wrote a book: Essential facts of ophthalmology in Dogs and Cats.


Evento valorizzato con N. 150 crediti SPC* PAGA IN 4 RATE SENZA INTERESSI CON UNISVET!Per iscrizioni effettuate entro il 21/09/2024È da ora possibile rateizzare l'iscrizione all'Accademia in quattro comode rate, senza alcun interesse aggiuntivo, direttamente tramite Unisvet. Questa nuova opzione offre una maggiore flessibilità per coloro che desiderano accedere ai nostri corsi e programmi senza…


