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Bart Van Goethem

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Dr. Bart Van Goethem graduated from Ghent University (Belgium). He completed his surgical specialist training at Utrecht University (the Netherlands) and also received his PhD title there. He works at the Small Animal Teaching Hospital at Ghent University where he is head of small animal surgery clinics. He is author and co-author of 6 surgical book chapters and has published over 60 peer-reviewed articles in his field of interest. He gave over 2000 national and international lectures, reviews articles for 7 scientific journals, and remains an enthusiastic propagator of small animal surgery.

XIX Congresso Nazionale UNISVET – Masterclass di Chirurgia

14-15 e 16 febbraio 2025 Pensavo fosse una chirurgia di routine ma si è trasformata in un incubo! Quante volte ti è capitato di sentirti confidente con una procedura chirurgica per poi ritrovarti ad affrontare complessità e complicanze inaspettate? Essere dei chirurghi abili significa prima di tutto saper riconoscere e prevenire le complicanze, da…


