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Claudia Iannucci

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Claudia Iannucci is clinical faculty in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care and fellow in extracorporeal therapy at the University of Zürich. Claudia received her degree in Veterinary Medicine at the Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna (IT) in 2012, after a one year exchange program at the Lüdwig-Maximilian-Universität in München. She relocated to Vienna in October 2012 to complete an assistantship in Small Animal Surgery at the Vet Med Uni Wien and then a Small Animal Rotating Internship. In 2015, she started a specialty Internship in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care at the University of Bern, followed by a 3-years Residency program. During this period, she also completed her doctoral thesis with the title “Comparison of an isotonic crystalloid solution versus a 6% hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 on hemostasis in canine spontaneous hemoperitoneum”. Since October 2019 Dr Iannucci is an ACVECC Diplomate. Her special interests include fluid therapy, acidbase disorders, acute kidney injury and acute toxicology. Claudia shares her pretty wooden floor apartment with a crazy tricolor austrian cat and three dogs. Claudia is a devote Yogi and Snowboarder.
